Monday 4 November 2013

Fantasy City - Photoshop Edited

Ryan Lungley - Fantasy City Creation

For this Assignment for creating a Fantasy City, this is what I have created. A City that has many monuments including the Big Ben, Washington Capitol Building, Washington Monument, Taj Mahai Towers, and the Saturn V Rocket.

The bottom part of the screen shows Sunflowers that give the image a calm and gentle remedy to the scene. 

Although the sky and the lightning replicate a doomsday making the city itself not so Fantasy but more of a nightmarish scene.

Below are all of the edited images I used in order to create the above city image (One of each):

Big Ben

Entrance to City

Flag of the Fantasy City

Building (Replicated once and flip Horizontally)

Washington Capitol Building

Saturn V Rocket


Taj Mahai Towers 
(Replicated 3 times, 2 were flipped Horizontally) 

Brick Wall (Replicated once and flipped Horizontally)

(Replicated 5 times and re-sized depending where in the sky)

Windmill (Replicated once and flipped Horizontally)

Washington Monument

Not all of the content in these images used are visible, some are cropped out from these original edited images depending on the layer in which they are assigned for within the Fantasy City picture.

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