Tuesday 22 October 2013

Visual Studies - Wasteland Images for Inspirational

Wasteland Images

Throughout these images, I shall explain why I have chosen these images as a source of inspiration.

Wasteland Image 1

The image above is one of the images that I have chosen as a source of inspiration, there are lots of colour changes that are shown throughout the sky, and the lack of hill shows throughout the landscape shows a curvature feeling when looking in the distance. Also the deserted car makes it feel a creepy and abandoned environment, also there is a lack of life shown throughout the image considering that there are a few trees in the background.

Wasteland Image 2

This is another image that I have chosen as a source of inspiration, there is a lot of apocalyptic scenery throughout the image with the abandonment of the city and the rusting of the car, the bus and the buildings in the image. There is also a lack of colour, the only thing that has got colour is the McDonalds sign.

Wasteland Image 3

This is an image that I have chosen as a source of inspiration, there is the same landscape throughout everywhere on the ground throughout the image, showing a consistency. Also the sky is a similar colour whether it is Sunrise or Sunset, showing either an opening or closing feel to the image.

Wasteland Image 4

The image above shows another wasteland image that I can find inspiration from, the land is cracked and vibes a dark aura about it that can find some un-comforting. Also the clouds throughout the sky is all dark and unnerving which gives an eerie sensation, adding the effects of lightning throughout the background which means that there is something horrible going on.

Wasteland Image 5

The image above is another inspiration that I can find from a wasteland scenery, the landscape for example is entirely flat and the colours shown in the background is lighter than it is at the front. Also the sky is clear sunshine with a few clouds showing a positive aura about the place itself.

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